Pickup Lockers

shop AT NAIT Pickup Lockers
Pickup Lockers

Located in: HP Centre 2nd floor | Weekdays: 5:30AM to 10:30PM | Weekends: 6:30AM to 10:30PM

Please note: The campus is closed and inaccessible during the winter break, which typically occurs during the last two weeks of December.

How do I select "Pickup Lockers" as an option for checkout?
When you are checking out after creating an online order at shop.nait.ca, you will have the option to select “Order Compartment Pickup". The location of our pickup lockers is on the 2nd floor overpass between the HP Centre and the Feltham Centre (CAT).
When will my pickup locker order be ready to pick up?
Your order will be ready for pick up after 4PM the next business day. You will receive your code and pickup locker ID once your order is ready.
Where do I pick up?
Pickup lockers are on the 2nd floor of the HP Centre near the overpass connected to the CAT building.

How do I access my order in the pickup locker?
Follow prompts on the digital screen near the pickup lockers. The system will ask you for the pickup locker ID and code. You will receive these numbers through email and/or text. If you enter the pickup locker ID and code correctly, the pickup locker will pop open, and you will receive ONE-TIME access to grab your order.
How many times can I access my pickup locker?
You can access your pickup locker ONE-TIME. Once you have opened and closed the pickup locker, you cannot re-open it with the same code.
What happens if I get locked out of my pickup locker?
Call the phone number listed on the screen near the pickup lockers. You will be put in touch with a customer support representative who will be able to assist you. Please have your order #, phone number, and email ready when calling.
What happens if I forgot my code?
We can re-send your code to you during shop AT NAIT business hours, if you have not accessed your pickup locker. If you have already accessed your pickup locker, refer to "What happens if I get locked out of my pickup locker?" above for details.
What happens if my code does not work?
Contact 24/7 customer support representative. The number will be on the pickup locker digital screen.
What if some of my items are damaged or missing?
shop AT NAIT staff are diligent when both processing and transporting your order to the pickup lockers. Double sign off by two staff members will be needed when dropping off items into the pickup locker. If you still have issues, please bring your order to shop AT NAIT during our business hours.
What happens if I do not pick up my order within 3 business days?
Your order is returned to the main campus shop AT NAIT bookstore. If you do not pick up your order within 90 days, your order will be cancelled and refunded.